Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jo'burg day 2/SOWETO day 2

Today we went to a semi-private catholic school in SOWETO. We would have been extremely disruptive to the classes, however it seemed that they weren't in the middle of classes when we arrived because there were very few teachers to be found. The kids were in their classes with workbooks but very noisy and not really doing much work. We broke off into groups and went from room to room and introduced ourselves and let the kids ask us questions, and we got to ask them questions as well. Talking with them about the US was really fun and it was interesting to see what they were interested in. 
They wanted to know...
-What we think of Obama
-If NY is really the city that never sleeps
-What the weather is like
-What we study at University
-What we thought of Michael Jackson dying
-At what age people normally get married
-What we thought of South Africa etc etc etc

It was amazing to talk to them, as they all live in SOWETO, and to find out their opinions on the South African Government, the 2010 World Cup,the education system, housing problems, and poverty. 

After hanging out and having fun at school we went to the Hector Peterson Museum. As I said yesterday he was killed in the 76 student uprising. His sister spoke with us and told us the story about how she saw her brother die. It was so hard to listen to, and so painful to hear her heartfelt story.  We then walked around the museum which had amazing photos of the uprising and information about the end of apartheid. I knew a lot of the things we discussed already, but to hear the stories first hand and to see the pictures was so disturbing. It was really eye opening and so sad, but I'm glad I was able to have that experience.

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