Saturday, August 29, 2009


We went to the Mandela Museum in the morning before leaving jo'burg. The museum was his old matchbox house turned into a museum. Afterwards we went to Shaft 17, an old mine converted into a conference center/job training center. We then left for a long drive to pretoria, even though it isn't that far from Jo'burg, there is so much construction for the World cup, that rush hour traffic quadruples the time it takes to travel between the two main cities. In pretoria we went to the US embassy, and had a speaker- he told us about his job at the embassy and how it relates to the affairs of South Africa. It was super interesting and made me want to apply for an embassy internship for next summer maybe... We also wen to the Vortrekker museum, and had a speaker about afrikaaner identity. It was interesting to hear the white perspective of apartheid, and hear about the effects the post apartheid era has had on the afrikaaner community. 

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