Yesterday we returned from our homestays and had a pizza party, went out to celebrate moving back into the house again, and then had a bonfire (where I was lifted up, carried over, and thrown into the pool)! I really enjoyed my homestay and loved the family I stayed with, but I missed all my housemates, and needed to get home to do some (actually very little) work. Then today I had my internship, and my friend and I started the murals we have been designing! I posted the pictures on facebook- Not only do the murals look great, but the kids actually helped us paint them, which was so fun! They really enjoyed it, and it made me so happy to see how excited and creative they were! We did 4 or the 5 murals we had already planned, and have one new mural that my supervisor just asked us to do. I'm very excited to finish the last mural, and see the entire finished garden, and move on to fixing the swing set and building a toy shelf! In other news I have two papers and a presentation due this week, but I've been putting off work thus far and really wish I didn't actually need to start. Plus, every time I try to work
Coming up: I'll be searching for a place to spend Rosh Hashanah, and trying to cope with going to services three days in a row without knowing anyone!!!! HaHa, It'll be an adventure, that's for sure! Wish me luck!
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